Diminish Fine Lines & Sun Damage With Sciton’s Forever Young BroadBand Light (BBL)®

Over time, the signs of an active lifestyle appear on your skin. Fine lines, age spots and sun damage show up in the places that are most visible, like the hands, chest and face.

It can be hard to keep your confidence high when you don’t recognize the reflection in the mirror or when you worry that age spots and lines are taking center stage.

BroadBand Light (BBL)® is one of the most commonly recommended treatments for aging-related skin conditions. At Elevado Aesthetics Spa, we use it to turn back the clock and help you regain your youthful confidence.

New Client BBL Special

BBL 3 sessions for $1,000
(Reg. $1,500)

New clients only.

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What Is BroadBand Light (BBL)®?

BBL optimally penetrates through the epidermis and dermis with a broad range of wavelengths that allow for targeted treatment. Changes are stimulated at the molecular level. Older, damaged cells change and more closely resemble younger skin cells.

The cells are reinvigorated and, over time, the skin looks much younger. The result? Real improvements you can see in skin firmness, elasticity and pigmentation. With regular treatments, the skin is clear, smooth and more youthful.

Studies have shown that BroadBand Light (BBL) treatments have a real impact over time. Indeed, a study done by Stanford University concluded that Forever Young BBL can restructure gene expression in aged human skin. With regular treatments, it is possible to look much younger than your calendar age.

Skin Conditions We Treat With BroadBand Light (BBL)®

Many skin conditions can be treated with BroadBand Light (BBL)®. It’s a great choice for treating the skin to:

  • Delay the progression of aging
  • Prevent wrinkles
  • Even out skin tone, including freckles
  • Treat sun damage, like age spots
  • Treat sun damage, like age spots
  • Treat red skin discoloration, including rosacea
  • Remove unwanted hair

What to Expect at Elevado Aesthetic Spa

When you schedule an appointment with us, we’ll get started by talking with you about your concerns and the treatment process. We’ll answer all of your questions so that you can have peace of mind that BroadBand Light (BBL)® is the right choice for you.

Treatments with BroadBand Light (BBL)® are done in-office and typically last only a few minutes. We’ll do everything possible to keep you comfortable during the procedures, although you will feel warmth in the areas we’ve treated. When the treatment is done, you’ll be able to go home right away.

Schedule Your Appointment With Us Today

Get started by calling us at 734-323-6430 or send us a message today. We’d love to talk with you about your options and help you get started on your path to feeling more confident and youthful.

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